
Pressing for positive change: it all starts in the mind :)

That Nasty F Word:The Last Prejudice?

fat guy

fat guy (Photo credit: Yehohanan92)

What do you think is the last prejudice?

How about living in your own birth country being treated like a foreigner, unable to get a job because of cultural nepotism? It happens. And there is nothing anyone can do about it. Apparently.

What if you are fat? Yes, I said that other verboten F word, FAT.

Just for instance, let’s say you are treated poorly because of it. I once saw a documentary that proved how pretty women and handsome men were favored by everyone from employers to babies.

Imagine. Your human presence not to mention professional knowledge, skills and abilities all dismissed because of the way you look.

That’s like saying you wouldn’t love someone because of their physical look but we all love people who are different from the norm. Don’t we?

Well, I do.

Want to weigh in on this? I just did and I’m not even fat but love a lot of people who are considered so. Would I love them more if they lost weight? NO! But I might be able to love them longer because they might live longer. That’s all for this Sunday button presser 🙂

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This entry was posted on August 5, 2012 by in men, musing, social, women and tagged , , , , .